Peace on the Northside

Check out Chris Elrod's latest post. It goes along way to explain the previous post I ranted about earlier. The problem with humor sometimes is that without the background, the satire is lost and comes out, in his words, "....brutal and heavy handed...." In this case the parties he was aiming his words at would have gotten the message without the explanation, but his follow up helps us with trigger fingers on our blogs. The trouble with his first post is that in the blogworld everyone reads your words, not just the intended targets. The trouble with my post, is speaking without complete knowledge on the subject. (I know my wife could never believe I'd do something like that)

For those that don't click past the first page of your feed readers here's our comments from my post:

Chris Elrod said...
Nice points...good shots...a few too many assumptions about Compass Point since you've never been...but a good post nevertheless. Not that it would change your opinion...but you might want to check out today's post about why I wrote it.

Drummer Chris said...
Thanks for the reply, the only rebuttal I have is I really didn't make any blanket statements about your church or how you do things on Sundays because you're right, I've never been there. And trust me, I'm just as critical of Adam here at Journey when his weekly swagger doesn't match his Sunday sentiment.

I just get little ticked when I see someone who has a heart for people start acting like Ken Silva, Ingrid, Pyro and the rest.

Chris Elrod said...
If you call me Ingrid again I'll have one of my ex-imate church members break your legs. :-)

No foul...I'm an aquired taste. The thing that drives me in the area of praise music is that we have a powerful God...that provided grace through the death of a powerful Son...and speaks to us through a powerful Holy Spirit. Our music and preaching should be powerful also. The trend toward wimpy worship leaders just sends me over the edge....though not as much as people wanted free publicity on my blog. :-) nice to Adam...he's a friend of mine...and my ex-inmate church members. They like his weekly swagger. :-)

Chris, thanks for the comment about the band. One, we'd be nothing without Joe Rodda our singer and two our music can be purchase for only $15.99 at................


Josh Brown said...

Dear "Inside the Mind of a Worship Drummer",

Grow some testicles.

Drummer Chris said...

Speaking of testicles, I'd like to thank Josh for that constructive criticism. Unfortunately we can't see anything about him since you get "The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile" when you follow the link.

Besides "Josh" I never said anything about agreeing with Chris' way of going about doing things.

But thanks for reading!

Josh Brown said...

you are more dramatic than my ex-girlfriend catherine. if everyone sugar-coated everything like you do, the church look like a snickers bar.

i have not "elected to publicly share my profile" because i do not have a blog. but you have inspired to consider one. i have a myspace, but its nothing to write home about.

Drummer Chris said...

Well, it sounds like she might have had a pair but enough already, if you have anything worthwhile to add check back in.