A Huge Evangelical Mistake

Read the latest post from Chris Elrod? If you haven't, read it here before you go on.....

OK, you back? Wasn't that encouraging? First, I don't know why anyone's sending him samples of their music. Second, those that did obviously respect his opinion and now have been bashed into hiding and I imagine quite a few are reconsidering their loyalty to Christianity. If they considered Chris worthy of hearing their songs, how must they feel now that their music makes his "bowels move".

Personally, say it was me. I spent the first 30 years of my life in the secular world, doing as I pleased and really didn't have a care to go to church, even less to get involved. Thank God my wife changed all that and I started going. I'm glad my first trip wasn't to Compass Point. At first I might have got caught up in his hype, attended for a while and at sometime my wife would have convinced me to try getting back to drums (like she did). After reading that last post though and seeing the arrogance masquerading as passion and realizing he's a middle aged blowhard attempting to be the man of the 20 y.o. scene, it would be a long time before I put my trust in a person's image he's trying poorly to portray and the man himself that comes through in the crap he spews. He's like the ancient Roman Church with their "holier than thou" doctrine, except in the modern version his doctrine is "more awesome brah, than you freakin losers".

OK, so his methods may work in his church and that's awesome but if he's going to churn out clones of him and his buddy Gary Lamb that come across more bitter, angry, arrogant and pompous than loving it can't be a good thing.

I'd be on my toes if I were attending his church, it obviously doesn't matter what your passion for Christ and reaching the people of your town for His Kingdom. If you happen to do anything that isn't up to par in his "warped tour" brain, you'll be left wondering what the heck happened as you read about it online. I'll leave you with some song lyrics I feel our appropriate (although they might not be cutting edge enough for Chris), sorry to run but I feel my bowels starting to rumble.........

He said "Where's the love?
Where'd your love go my neighbors?

Where's the love?
Where's the love that you all preach of?"

Corey Smith - Where's the Love

(again, these are not the views of management, just of my keeping it real, straight out of the book, not caring if I'm hip or relevant, drumming for Him, sick of the hype brain. The words used in this message do not adequately reveal the anger, and sadness, in my heart right now but for the most part this blog is to encourage people and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination)


Anonymous said...

Nice points...good shots...a few too many assumptions about Compass Point since you've never been...but a good post nevertheless. Not that it would change your opinion...but you might want to check out today's post about why I wrote it.

Drummer Chris said...

Thanks for the reply, the only rebuttal I have is I really didn't make any blanket statements about your church or how you do things on Sundays because you're right, I've never been there. And trust me, I'm just as critical of Adam here at Journey when his weekly swagger doesn't match his Sunday sentiment.

I just get little ticked when I see someone who has a heart for people start acting like Ken Silva, Ingrid, Pyro and the rest.


Anonymous said...

If you call me Ingrid again I'll have one of my ex-imate church members break your legs. :-)

No harm...no foul...I'm an aquired taste. The thing that drives me in the area of praise music is that we have a powerful God...that provided grace through the death of a powerful Son...and speaks to us through a powerful Holy Spirit. Our music and preaching should be powerful also. The trend toward wimpy worship leaders just sends me over the edge....though not as much as people wanted free publicity on my blog. :-)

Finally...be nice to Adam...he's a friend of mine...and my ex-inmate church members. They like his weekly swagger. :-)