10/20/07 - Life Journal - Bold in His Presence

Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
Job 7:11

OK, Here's the deal (shout out to Adam), Job has lost everything and amazingly his faith and trust in the Lord was sustaining him. That's until his friends started to "help". It started with his wife, then his buddy Eliphaz told him, "You gotta quit doin whatever you're doin cause you must be doin something!"

At this point Job has had enough. "OK, God," he was shouting, "You got me, why are You treating me this way? I don't deserve it, and to put it bluntly, I'm ticked!"

Job's starting to get persuaded into believing that God is against him but digs into his faith reserves, and like Jacob, does a little verbal wrestling with God. I believe that God wants us to be this real with Him. He's a big boy, He can handle it! When we're sure in our convictions, being bold before Him is part of our growing towards Him. We're to live to the fullest of our abilities to be Holy, and if we are we can say to Him, "OK Father, what's the deal? You know and I know that somethings not right here! I'm not testing you, but your end of the bargain is to treat me justly and "give me a future and a hope" and I'm doing my best to hold up my end."

Lord, let me be both bold enough to come to you for answers and humble enough to listen to them.

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