Life Journal - Pistol Pete - from Supernaturally Pure

I'm reposting this life journal entry Wayne Wagner posted over at Supernaturally Pure. One because he nails me to a 'T', and 2, because I thinks it's pretty stinkin hilarious. Enjoy.

Psalm 125 / Matthew 26-27

The life of Peter the apostle is awesome. If you read through scripture, you find a guy who will look before he leaps, speak before he thinks, and react without hesitation. I love that about him. I am him in that respect. But, he like me, has gotten himself into a fair share of trouble, or situations that he had to back pedal out of in order to save face, and in some cases survive.

He was the only one to get out of the boat when Jesus was walking on the water. I mean, he was the only one crazy enough / with enough faith / stupid enough / loved Jesus enough / strong enough / tough enough / silly enough or just down right brave enough to get out of the boat. He was the ONE who did it, but quickly, he lost his faith / bravery / strength, whatever and began to sink. I don’t think that it was a gradual sinking ether, i think that he slammed into the water hard. Like off of a high dive.

Today, Jesus is facing crucifixion in our reading, and Jesus tells all of the disciples that they will all scatter and disown him. I mean, this is the fulfillment of prophecy, so why shouldn’t they believe him. They all respond to Jesus with the same answer “Your crazy. That’s crazy. We would never leave you or forsake you.” That is what they all say, and I imagine that Peter said it the loudest. Then Jesus was like “No for real, you are all going to leave me.” Then as if acting out a scene, and with the timing of a Broadway actor Peter says “I will never leave you even if I have to DIE for you.”

In a red faced rant Peter is vehemently denying what Jesus says. I can imagine Peter standing over Jesus and the rest of the disciples with somewhat of a frothy mouth, angrily and staunchly stating that come hell or high water, I ain’t leaving. I imagine Jesus kinda laughing off what Peter says similarly to when a father laughs of the absurd claims of his children.

Well if you read it, or if you know the story, you know that Peter leaves. Kinda said. He weeps about it, when he realizes what he has done. In the presence of Jesus it is very easy to say things like that. I will never leave. I will never back down.

Here’s the point. It is very easy to be rough, tough, and ready when we are in church, or when we are with other christian people. The rub comes when we meet people in real life. For me, just Sunday I preached about not being annoyed with people, and loving them the way that God loves them. Just this morning I go to get gas and the card can’t be read at the pump, so I have to traipse inside. Then I get the question, How much gas do you want? How am I supposed to know, I just want to fill it up. Sir, I can charge you an amount and what you actually use can be taken off of your credit card. O.K. then, I want a thousand dollars in gas. Seriously, charge me 1000 bucks. Man, I was being a total JERK with a capital JERK. She ended up charging fifty to the card, and i went out and pumped my 45 bucks into the tank. Then, I had to go inside to get the real receipt. When I got inside, I made sure to apologize for being such a tail hole. I mean, I really was, and there was no excuse.

I need my faith and my actions to match my words more than they do. God change my heart. Help me to not be annoyed by people. Help me to never feel inconvenienced by anyone in my family. Change my heart. Make me brand new, amen.


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