11/3/07 - Life Journal - With Friends Like These....

Behold, even the moon is not bright,
and the stars are not pure in his eyes;
how much less man, who is a maggot,
and the son of man, who is a worm!"

Job 25:5,6

Unfortunately for Job this is a recurring theme but also a recurring theme in our own lives. His friends have let him down in his time of need as our friends and family will do on occasion, more than we would like actually. Not trying to be more perfected than anyone else, I admit I'm also one of those that isn't the best friend, husband or father when those around need me. There is only one that is there EVERY time we call and that is our Father in heaven. It is a sign of our sinful nature and our hardened hearts. Without His help it's always "look out for number one".

I especially need to work on this one. We just did a survey of our spiritual gifts at Journey and on a scale from 0 to 40 I notched an 11 for mercy. Did I say I had A LOT of work to do on this one? On the flip side I also need to realize that the one "person" I can always count on while in this world is my Father. If I keep my eyes on Him I can do anything or get through any valleys I find myself in.

(Note, the main theme for this when I started was going to be how people will constantly let you down. Funny how it turned out into a conviction of myself and how I'm guilty of the same thing.)

Lord, I offer up my heart to you. I pray for a miraculous softening so I can be someone that people will feel comfortable coming to in their time of need.

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