11/16/07 - Life Journal - Christ's Ambassador

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.
2 Corinthians 5:20

I am Christ's ambassador? That's some pretty heavy responsibility. He put His trust in someone He knew was not perfect, who's free will would probably screw up more times than not and has no clue what he's doing. Is He crazy? The way I see it is who is a better spokesperson than someone who has screwed up a lot of things but has seen a better way and is struggling with the flesh just like everyone else?

Though I personally have received the gift of life from him, I can't use this to lord over anyone else. I'm still the same as them except for my relationship with Him. Nothing turns someone away faster than a holier-than-thou attitude. Stressing our similiarities with another and the fact that His gift is for anyone that will accept it, no matter the past, seems like the way to go. What do you think?

Father, I am still an imperfect man though I will be perfected in You. Help me show that no one is below receiving Your love.

1 comment:

Matt Robison said...

Good thoughts. It's daunting to think that he trusts us to represent his interests here on earth.