Do you want to be healed?

The question posed to the paralytic in John 5:6 seems a little dumb at first with the answer seemingly being an obvious yes, but Dan Phillips over at Pyromaniacs points out the reality behind this question. Whether it's concerning a person's salvation or a handicap/weakness/addiction they may have the answer might not always be what you think. The following clipped from his blog goes a long way to explain why some seem to always drift back to, or never want to leave in the first place, situations or afflictions that most of us would flee from in an instant if we were posed this question.

Much as you and I might recoil from another's state in life, that person might not share our revulsion. One can grow to identify with a condition, to find meaning and individuality and significance in something that of itself offers nothing desirable whatever. Whether it be a natural handicap or a totally different weakness, failing, misery, affliction or sin, we can come to think of ourselves as Noble Sufferers, as Tragic Victims, as Tormented Souls. So (pathetically and unhealthily) rewarding is this identification, that we unknowingly have no real desire to be parted from our badge of uniqueness, our gimmick, our shtick.

This is particularly the case in our American culture, where we have come to prize, seek out, cultivate, and luxuriate in the status of victimhood.

Thanks Dan, it brings a little light on a puzzle lot's of us are faced with in our lives.


DJP said...

"Thanks, Phil"?

Drummer Chris said...

Arrgh! Sorry Dan, fixed it........!