1/22/08 - Life Journal - Teach Me to Speak

Then the LORD said to him, "Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak."
Exodus 4:11,12

"How am I supposed to convinve these people", "I'm no great orator", "What will I say", "What if I say the wrong things", "What if they laugh at me or worse", "I'm no genius, I have no credentials"; Just a few of many thoughts that could have been running through Moses' head after hearing God's mission for him. After voicing his opinion God reminded him of who the creator was, who made his mouth, who makes him speak, who is with him at all times. Basically, "Moses, open your mouth, I'll do the rest."

Have you ever wanted to say something to someone but didn't in fear of looking foolish, ticking them off, alienating them or appearing to seem "holier than thou"? I know you have, we all have. What if the words don't come out right? What if I can't remember a word of scripture to back up my word? God tells us above that He will put the words in our mouth that we need, doing this through the Spirit but also through His word that we have to study and meditate upon to make us more confident. If there is something I want to say to someone, first, is it really God's will? Will this help the person out or just demean them? Am I doing it for their betterment or a sick pleasure in feeling better about myself? If it's determined that it is something God wants them to hear.........let er rip!

Here's a thought from Steven Furtick from his website: "When God wants to say something through me, there’s always a rich reward when I speak up. I wonder who you can speak encouragement and hope into today? What difference would it make? What’s stopping you?"

God, I don't want to hold anyone back from living a better life just because I don't have the guts to open my mouth and speak. It's your words I will say and your truth they will here. If I open my mouth, teach me what I am to speak.

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