1/13/08 - Life Journal - The Kingdom of Heaven

"What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough."
Luke 13:20,21

God's will is worked into the fabric of our lives and this whole creation. The Kindgdom of God cannot be stopped just as a pinch of yeast can't help but spread throughout the entirety of a hunk of dough. The Kingdom has slowly been infiltrating the whole, bit by bit. It's influence has been rising and ebbing, but never shrinking. It will one day be totally entrenched in this world when the old passes and He comes back to reign!

Nothing I do can speed up or slow down this process. All I can do is spread the knowledge given to my by the Spirit to as many people as possible to prepare them for something that I don't have any idea when it's going to happen. Piece of cake! It's not my worry. Jesus himself said that only the Father knows when it's going to happen. I just know it is going to happen and my faith in that is my impetus for completing my mission.

Father, faith in your plan is all I can go on and all I need. Work your grace in us and grow your Kingdom with whatever help we can give you.

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