1/28/08 - Life Journal - Strangers in a Strange Land

"You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt."
Exodus 22:21

Other versions say "strangers". The first sermon on how to treat your neighbors? The Israelites were "strangers in a strange land" (wow, didn't think I could include the title of an Iron Maiden song in a devotional, did you?). God was reminding them of this to teach them how to deal with others, just as He once dealt with them. "I did this, so you shall also do this".

"He forgives us, so you shall also forgive others". Great lesson here. As followers of Jesus Christ we can't forget where we came from. We once were lost...... When we come across people who haven't accepted Him we need to remember we were once just like them. Remember our questions. Remember our doubts and fears. Put ourselves in their place and walk along side them as their minds are turning and the Lord is working.

Father, never let me forget the place where you found me and rescued me. If I ever think of myself as greater than anyone else my mission for you will fail every time.

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