1/9/08 - Life Journal - Leave it Behind

Yet another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
Luke 9:61,62

In expaining the cost of following Him, Jesus makes clear the abruptness of the change that must be made. There's no slowly working your way into your walk with Him. You can't say, "Well okay, today I'll give up hanging out at the bars and spending all my money on booze and next month I'll have to think about ending that affair then I'll work on my people skills and we'll leave my gambling problem to the month after that." That's not the way it works. When you honestly repent it's a 180 degree turn. You can't guide the plow behing your oxen if you're looking behind you.

I'm trying, I've packed it up and left it behind. That's not to say I'm complete, or perfected yet. But I'm not "saving" some sins for "old times sake" until I finish up with the rest. They gotta go concurrently or not at all. It does no good to get rid of 9 out of 10 when that 10th sin still keeps you from the freedom we have in Him.

Father help me along my way. Especially this anger, hate and depression in my brain. There's no room for your love while the clutter is still there.

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