1/26/08 - Life Journal - Pray for a Modern Pentecost!

Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
Acts 2:41

What an awesome day that must have been. 3,000 people giving themselves to Christ! People were definitely on fire! The apostles didn't do any tricks or have any new plans they came up with, they just let the Spirit work through them, spoke the Word of God, told the people the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the crowd just knew......They knew the truth being told on that day and responded!

I can't explain the feeling I get seeing one person baptized in His name, forget about 3,000! We can get this fire back. The Spirit is still with us. We have His story. We have His creation all around us testifying for us. Getting bogged down in the infighting over doctrine could be just what ole Lucifer is trying to accomplish to steer us off our path. Let the Spirit lead, put our lives forward as an example and let His word do it's thing!

Lord, if I lose sight of the goal, get me out of the way. Your will before mine, the Kindgdom will grow. I pray for a movement of people on fire for You.

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