Awesome stuff from In the Quiet:

"Experiencing the present purely is being empty and hollow; you catch grace as a man fills his cup under a waterfall. " Annie Dillard

I read this quote and I am just struck with a vision of a waterfall and me in it...smack dab in the middle of it with my cup extended trying to fill it and of course you can't. The force of the water is so overwhelming, the force of Your Grace the same.Trying to take just a cup of grace, just a cup of water from the falls ...and being drenched in the trying. There is no taking a little grace, in the trying your hand is drenched, your wrist, your arm, your body, your hair and face and neck...the power of the falls is overwhelming. The power of Your Grace....staggering.I am drenched but the cup is empty, nothing to take away. Nothing to take away, I have to stay smack dab in the middle of the fall, in the middle of your GRACE. Maybe if I do and become so drenched w/love and grace....I won't be able to stop giving it to others???So as I am feeling SAD today step into the falls...BE DRENCHED...So as I am feeling DOWN tomorrow step into the falls...BE DRENCHED...So as I am feeling angry or joyous or jealous or content the next or the next day...step into the falls...BE DRENCHED....

1 comment:

Marlo Boux said...

Hello Chris's brain :) Thanks for popping over to my blog to say hello...yes I am definitely Canadian but not even a little bit french. My husband's family came from Belgium and then somewhere along the line married into the Aboriginal community...then the last name Boux no longer was pronounced like "Boo"...instead it became "Books"...go figure. Confused yet? If not, I am Scottish (thanks dad), British, Irish and a smidge of Spanish for good measure. Ok now I am confused.

Marlo's Brain