2/22/08 - Life Journal - Where's the Beef

For they weep before me and say, "Give us meat, that we may eat".

Numbers 11:13

The Israelites, like ungrateful children, weren't satisfied with the blessings God put before them. It was always more, more, more! They had actually grown lazy in their captivity where all their daily needs were taken care of and they didn't have a drop of self sufficiency in them, let alone thankfulness.

I had grown lazy at my last church. I would complain about not being fed. "Where's the beef", I would whine. I expected to sit back and have all of the answers given to me. That's a lot of pressure I was putting on the pastor, who was in fact a mere mortal just like me. I don't know when it happened but one day it clicked. I have everything I need to feed myself and I was elevated to a new level of growth, understanding and maturity. I can listen to all the sermon's I want but nothing brings me closer or has greater rewards than personal time with Him.

Lord, thank you for Your Son, Your Word, and Your Spirit. They're all I need.

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