And from the horrible advice column..........

On Yahoo news, Ann Landers' daughter Margo Howard has a Dear Margo column. Here's a recap of an advice seeker and Margo's answer.

An Aunt found her 14 year old nieces MySpace page through her daughters page which she frequently check's out. Seems her niece alluded to a relationship she was having with a lesbian friend. When she asked if she should tell her sister-in-law about it Margo's answer was:

I suggest you say nothing. Assuming the "relationship" is sexual (and it may not be), the youngster is experimenting and should be allowed to do so without parental input -- which would not change the outcome, by the way.

It's not as though your niece is robbing banks and popping Quaaludes, dangerous behavior requiring intervention. She is figuring out her sexuality, and parents trying to steer a child away from a natural inclination are not going to be successful.

When next you talk to your s-i-l, you might ask what she dislikes about this friend, since she told you she is wary of her. If there are complaints about the girl that are valid, they should be the reason to put the kibosh on the friendship, not that she is a lesbian.

Are you kidding me? I don't care if it's a lesbian friend, a boyfriend, whatever! If she has some concerns for her 14 YEAR OLD niece she has every right to inform her family. Especially since she had stated that the 14 YEAR OLD girl's family didn't even know about the MySpace page. And the fact that she's talking about a 14 YEAR OLD girl "experimenting" with her sexuality kills me. This has nothing to do with "steering her away from natural inclinations" but the fact that this 14 YEAR OLD girl has inclinations in the first place.

Margo has come a long way from her original column, in which she called herself "Dear Prudence"...............

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