12/22/07 - Life Journal - The Life Cycle of Sin

But the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and were believing in Jesus.
John 12:10,11

The Pharisee's knew they had a serious problem on their hands. The original plan to kill Jesus was turning out to be insufficient. If they succeeded in murdering Jesus, His witness would still live on through those he healed and especially through Lazarus whom He raised from the dead. The cover up was going to get pretty messy!

This situation mirrors the life of a sin/lie. However small they start, like the supposedly genius plan of Caiaphas for "one to die to save a nation", the exponential growth is incredible. Lies take on a life of their own becoming their own reality until you are stuck in a cycle and lives are ruined or "the truth sets you free".

Lord, I know that the wages of sin are death. Help me recongize sin in me and lies spewing out of me before the tangle mess they will become.

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