12/3/07 - Life Journal - Materialism, Shmearialism

Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8

Seems that these to have to go together, in that order. Owe nothing but love. Money, debt, holding someone else's debt; they all get in the way of unconditional love and put a damper on being able to show God's love through the finances He has blessed you with.

I gotta get this "compartment" of my life under control. You all know this compartment, it's the one that enables you rationalize your spending habits, putting yourself and this world over Him. I can never fully praise Him with giving until I break free from the slavery of debt. Seems simple right...........hold on, I'll get back to you, got some Christmas shopping to do.

Lord, break me.

1 comment:

Gerry Hatrić said...

The trick is to use your hobbies for His glory - in my case, worship guitar - then there's no excuse for investing in a great new instrument or music gadget! ;-)

Of course debt is always a bad thing but that's common sense rather than a spiritual truth.