12/6/07 - Life Journal - My Own Prison

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.
Philippians 1:12,13

Paul sees through the misery of his imprisonment and understands it's purpose. He is being used as an example of standing true to his belief's for the Glory of Christ. It's for the new believers who haven't had the persecution brought upon them yet that he glorifies and praises Jesus even in his confinement. He is telling them that everything that happens will in the end be use for good by Him whos plan will come to fruition no matter what befalls it in this world.

Paul doesn't wallow in self pity like I'm prone to do. I've never been imprisoned for my beliefs but many things have happened that have got me down, nothing major in the bigger scheme of things, but never-the-less things that my brain have turned into mountains. I create my own prisons that keep me from living life fully and enjoying the blessing I have. I've prayed for God to use me so I have to let Him, but I can't pick and choose which, when, what or why. It's His call, His plan, His creation. How I react to the obstacles/opportunities laid before me can either be used for His glory or be wasted on my limited view of eternity. He'll bring me through anything and I'll be stronger for it. I need to be alert to theses chances to advance His kingdom through my hardships and my reactions to them.

Father, it's the scariest thing someone can say, but use me.

I cry out to God
Seeking only his decision
Gabriel stands and confirms
I've created my own prison

- Scott Stapp

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