12/5/07 - Life Journal - I Love You Sheri

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her...
Ephesians 5:25

A lot of people have a problem with the verse before this desicribing the submission of wives to husbands. This isn't a blind submission, it's a submission to a LOVING husband as the head of the family as we submit to our LOVING Savior who is head of our church. If the husband doesn't follow through with verse 25 then the whole situation gets thrown out of whack. Husbands love must be shown through a total sacrifice for their wives just as Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for His church.

My home has been unbalanced. Sheri is the perfect example of the wife in verse 22 but her submission has been without return from me. I've been anything but sacrificial to her or the kids. Whatever the reasons it comes down to an extreme selfishness on my part. Taking her love and giving nothing in return. I need to learn to BE Jesus to her. Love her as myself because we are one flesh. Sacrifice my whole for her. She deserves nothing less.

Father, break this cycle of selfishness in me. Help me give her the love she deserves. I have it in me, I love her to death, break me so it can flow to her.

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