12/10/07 - Life Journal - I Got the Power

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

It's sometimes difficult in a post-christian society to wear you faith on your sleeve but Paul tells us of the power we have with the spirit dwelling in us. With this power comes responsibility, responsibility to use it with love when sharing our faith. Next we must use this power and love when pursuing the discipline of one of our brothers or sisters.

I hold the key to the life saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How can I be timid? If I honestly believe that I have been saved by His sacrifice, by not "living out loud for Him" I am literally sitting idly by, allowing those around me to be left to eternal damnation without a second thought.

Father, instill in me the importance of the message you've left with me and open my eyes to the power dwelling inside of me.

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