Johnny Mac's take on the discernment "watch-doggies"

To all of you discernment experts (e.g. Ken, Phil and Symphony of Scripture) that "claim" John MacArthur as your spiritual lead, I think you'd better re-read this chapter in "The Truth War"!

...from page 135...

Still, overzealousness is clearly a danger we need to guard against carefully. There are indeed some full-time critics operating today, always looking for a fight, taking fleshly delight in controversy merely for controversy's sake, and making judgements that may be too harsh or hasty. Don't fall into the trap of assuming that the most censorious and nitpicking opinions are automatically the most "discerning" ones. Watch out for the person who shows no caution or restraint about making severe judgements and yet claims to be a "discernment" expert. True discernment is gained by applying our hearts and minds to biblical wisdom, not by fostering a critical spirit.

As a matter of fact, Scripture says that those who are merely pugnacious or quarrelsome are unfit for spiritual leadership (1 Timothy 3:3). When Paul laid out the qualifications for church leaders, he was emphatic about this. "A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth" (2 TImothy 2:24-25). That is the spirit we must cultivate. Contending earnestly for the faith does not require us to become brawlers. Let's acknowledge that as plainly as possible and never lose sight of it.

Just thought I'd point this out. You guys have some good things to say but it's buried in all that manure you toss around so often.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Chris. I made the move for good. I am now at Simply A Night Owl
