Britney Spears Flops and Pamela Anderson's Cast-Offs Throw Down

An exciting night at the MTV Music awards.

First off in what was supposed to be the jump-start to Britney Spears career crashed Milli Vanilli style. In what was described as "Choreography for the Nursing Home" Britney was a little slow on her feet prancing around in what could end up being the outfit that cements her kids relationship with their future psychiatrists. I didn't see the show but you can't avoid the pics on the front pages of every internet news site. Let's just say that I'll save you from the discomfort of viewing them here.

Next was the main event with Kid Rock and Tommy Lee sparring in the audience. The funny thing is that this will probably help their careers more than Britney helped hers!

Here's a couple of links:

Britney Fizzles

Kid Rock cited in scuffle with Tommy Lee

Looks like Justin Timberlake made a great career move a while back as he walked away with the Male Artist of the Year.

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