I've been chosen for a Mathetes Award!

Thanks to Jerry Beuterbaugh for this recognition as I hope that I'm helping others as I am learning myself.

In the spirit of this award, the rules are simple. Winners of this award must pick five other "Mathetes" (disciples) to pass it on to. As you pass it on, I just ask that you mention and provide links for the originator of the award, Dan of Management by God, and the person that awarded it to you. Then list the name and sites of the five that you believe are fulfilling the role of a disciple of Christ.

This is a great encouragement for those who reach you to keep on doing what you're doing.

My nominees in no particular order are: (drumroll please)

Just Another Night Owl

Musings of an Old Pastor

Adam Mayfield

The Weight of the Journey

Rick Ianniello

I just pray a blessing over the bloggers that receive this award, and ask that the Holy Spirit use them mightily as they share the Word of God with the world around them. May all of their efforts be fruitful, and their words carry the anointing of the Spirit of God. In Jesus' name, Amen!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Thanks Chris. I am honored that you considered my small contributioni worthy. I am humbled by your support.

Here is the link to my post.