9/06/07 - Life Journal - Our Patriotism is Sinful Pride

Therefore no other trees by the waters are ever to tower proudly on high, lifting their tops above the thick foliage. No other trees so well-watered are ever to reach such a height; they are all destined for death, for the earth below, among mortal men, with those who go down to the pit.
Ezekiel 31:14

Assyria, the mighty country that "...towered higher than all the trees of the field..." (v.5) was cast aside and left to plunder by the Lord because "...it was proud of its height..." (v.10) It ruled ruthlessly over all it's kingdom while living for their pagan gods and not the one true God.

I got into this kick for a while when I flaunted my Irish ancestry, proud of it and let anyone know it. As I matured I realized it was my ancestors that made this country, the USA, great and would never consider themselves as anything but Americans. My pride swelled and patriotism was my battle cry. Now as I'm maturing again, not as a person, but as a Christ follower I am realizing that I still have it wrong. I'm proud of my country because of it's wealth, strong military, world leadership and basically it's dominance over all. It's not the same patriotism of my fathers, which was based on pride in leading the world spiritually, in workmanship, in stength of family and community and above all ambition to make a better life for their offspring. The patriotism of today is more like the the tallest tree, Assyria, ruling over the brush of it's servant countries. Our country has the ability to change the world. The faith of our fathers mixed with the passion of our young can bring revival to this land. The last several decades have shown us that greed is the death of us. One thing I can say with surety and not boastfulness is that if this great country falls the world will go with it.

Lord burn away the pride and boastfulness in me and You be my light. This entire planet is yours, not just us arrogant Americans that act as if we have now taken the earthly throne as Your chosen people.

1 comment:

Don Howard said...

Reminds me of what happens to Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17. I have often thought that this was God's way of crushing our idols of materialism;