8/5/07 - Life Journal - A Hardened Heart

Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me. You will look for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come." John 7:33,34

Is this a warning, or what? Jesus was not only talking about the time He actually spent on earth but the time we are on earth spending time with Him. It is an extremely short time that we have to make a decision that seals our fate for eternity! Many, as He states, will never see this. Whether by death or the end of this age, our time to decide will come to an end instantly.

How can we stress this importance to non-believers? They'll say, "How can your loving God let people go to Hell?" Well basically, if we don't live for Him after what He has done for us, we are not His people anymore than the pagan kingdoms of the Old Testament era were.

Lord soften the hearts of this world that we might see you.

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