The Ayn Rand of Theology?

This is an excerpt from the "Naked Pastor" David Hayward's post If You Meet the Truth, Kill It.

"...Can we please admit that just because we own a bible and know the words that we can be miles away from knowing and speaking the truth? When will we realize that when we say we know something, we don’t know as we ought to know? Can we ever graduate to the place where we no longer need to search for him and seek the truth?..."

Is he serious? We can't possible know the truth so don't even bother? No longer need to search for Him? Sounds like the load of crap the liberal piggy-backers spewed in "Atlas Shrugged". Only this time it won't be John Galt that leaves us, will it?


nakedpastor said...

Hey Chris: Thanks for the mention of my blog. I wish you had continued quoting me from the very same post you partially quoted me from where I continued to say:
"I’m not pointing fingers at anyone but myself and anyone who’s willing to stand with me to admit that we do not have a corner on the truth. Can we please admit that just because we own a bible and know the words that we can be miles away from knowing and speaking the truth? When will we realize that when we say we know something, we don’t know as we ought to know? Can we ever graduate to the place where we no longer need to search for him and seek the truth?"
I still believe in searching for him, not giving up the search. I was clear. Just thought I'd clarify that for your readers.
blessings on you, your ministry and your music, drummer-boy!

Drummer Chris said...


Thanks for the quick response and clarification. My fear that someone of your influence had abandoned the search for truth has proven to be unfounded, but I don't think the last question in your post was as clear as you had hoped.


nakedpastor said...

you're right chris... it is hard to be clear. it takes others sometimes to help us clarify what we meant to say. keep up the good work on your blog. thanks.