8/8/07 - Life Journal - The World is His Flock

"I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
John 10:11

In verse 9 before this Jesus said He was the door through which we find salvation. He now explains how, as our shepherd, by sacrificing Himself this salvation comes about. The Good Shepherd would, and finally did, lay down His life for us. He continues later:

"I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice and they will become one flock with one Shepherd."
John 10:16

Jesus just explained the Gospel in a nutshell. He is the way to salvation through His death for His flock, those sheep that hear and follow. But not only his "fold" in Israel, but other sheep, the gentiles, would become part of the flock.

Jesus kept his message simple. The use of parables let great amounts of people hear and comprehend His message in a short amount of time. We can teach in a simplified format, like Him, but also like Him, we can't leave out the meat of the lesson.

Lord, bless me with the ability to teach effectively.

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