Presidential Election

We are not of this world.

This world has nothing for us.

All things of this world have passed.

Sound familiar? I'm sure you've heard it all before.

Before anyone gets all out of shape, I'm not here to discount any of these truths. I'm just trying to figure out where we as 21st century Christians stand, particularly when it comes to the upcoming elections. I've always been what would be considered a Republican, even before I knew it myself. In my thinking, just looking at the leaders the Democratic Party has been putting forward was reason enough, besides the fact that I saw left wing liberal platforms as eroding the moral culture of this country. These feelings intensified with the birth of my two daughters.

Here's the problem. The more mature I become as a Christian, the more I feel the GOP isn't representing me properly. From the businessmen to the Christian Right. Now all you "donkeys" out there, don't get excited, I'm not switching over. For the mean time I'll be voting for the party that in my opinion has the most important of my Christian values at heart, the moral foundation of this country.

That being said, the GOP is failing in some areas that the Dem's are pulling for, at least in theory. There is nothing inherently wrong with capitalism, but when it leads to greed and the idolatry of materialism, a vitalizing concept that built this country is bastardized. Ayn Rand got it partly correct in Atlas Shrugged. No one should be held back and made to use their talents to shoulder the load of the rest, but being an atheist her opinion is based on ego and the worship of self. This has spread like a cancer throughout industry and made everyone that supports big business into an evil imperialist in the eyes of the "left". Remember what Paul says, it's not money but the love of money that is the root of all evil. The hoarding of wealth at the expense of the whole is killing not only this country but the world. The middle class is dying, the rest of the world hates us and we continue exploiting the third world to increase our gain, or at least the gain of billionaire CEO's increasing their shares while cutting back benefits and wages to the workers. Still, like Pastor Adam put it so bluntly, the number one selling books year after year on Christian best-seller lists are all about how we can become even more blessed.

The list goes on, as stewards of God's creation, we have to start doing a better job taking care of our planet. Only He knows when He's coming back to do away with this world as we know it so we gotta make sure it's going to last. Not saying I have the answers, just saying, that's all.

Now on to the other guys. They definitely have a more aggressive stance when the environment is concerned. I just think it's a little "inconvenient" that they use scare tactics and a lot of real pretty graphics and theoretical futures to harness voters. Plus the "radical" environmentalists also put a bad taste in everyone's collective mouth just as a lot of ideals that come from the far ends of the political pendulum.

Yes, they also seem to be the party of "the working man" on the surface, if you believe the Kennedy's, Gore's, Kerry's, and (Jew, black, New Yorker, mid-western, southerner) Rodham-Clinton's are your average blue collar Joe's. Oh, don't forget the Sharpton's and Jackson's who when putting on a big show of building up are actually continuing stereotypes and holding "their" people back. It is our duty as humans let alone Christians to help our fellow man, starting with our neighbors but not to support them indefinitely. Our welfare system has created generation after generation of people dependent on the government with no hope, wait, no desire to do anything different. How does that help anyone? It's funny that the "rights" that illegal immigrants are fighting for are the same "rights" that have done the damage listed above.

This space was reserved for my thoughts on the morality of the Democratic party but my Mac doesn't have the memory.

It's real easy to bash big business and George Bush along with the rest of the Evil Empire. But this is coming from a country grown dependent on paychecks from these mean old businessmen. Like it or not, our country's fate hinges on what happens on that trading floor on Wall Street. To top it off, one leader who is giving back, Bill Gates, is constantly getting involved in litigation simply because he had a product people wanted. If we're not careful, ole' Billy might just pull a John Galt, disappearing along with his operating system. (Read Atlas Shrugged if you didn't understand the preceding comment.)

We are not of this world.

This world has nothing for us.

All things of this world have passed.

What I've realized is that there will never be a political party good enough to truly represent us. Politics is an earthly invention, composed of imperfect people, all given to sin and the failings of the flesh. It is probable a necessary evil to keep some semblance of civility unless we all gave up everything and lived in a world-wide commune. As we have it, we need to live within the laws of the land and above them at the same time. It's the old "Give unto Caesar" parable come to life and obey those in leadership positions for theirs is the authority of God.

I'm not saying not to vote, whatever party you are affiliated with. That is not part of His plan. Pray for wisdom when seeking a candidate, pray for wisdom in our leaders but above all pray for His will to be done.

… the way, there ain't no way in ---- I'm voting for H.R. Clinton.

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