To Light a Fire Under our Collective Bum!

I just happened across this blog from "268BLOG - An Online Community of Passion Conferences" and it nailed me with how urgent our mission really is. The early church worked with an attitude of urgency because they felt that the end times and Jesus' return was at hand. Because of this passion they changed an entire world. No one but the Father knows exactly when the second coming will occur, but that shouldn't allow us to be lazy about spreading the Gospel of Salvation. The world, especially the west, has "backslidden" (I love that word ;). Millions of people are losing a battle of attrition to the enemy and the time for the "Calvary" is now. We, the victors in Christ, need to mobilize with as much fire as the church fathers. Time is literally of the essence.

Read the blog:

Ashley's Home

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