Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

This sermon, originally preached by Jonathan Edwards on Wednesday July 8th, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut, is considered one of the best in modern history. It was resurrected by Billy Graham in 1949 during his 8 week long Los Angeles crusade. The words ring as true now as they did then. After reading it I feel that it should be brought back into light and spread like a wild fire across the internet. Pass it on!

The entire text can be read here.

1 comment:

Shawn's Journey said...

You know whats crazy, we had to read Edwards' sermon in my 11th grade english class. Separation of Church and State at it's best huh. The best part was that the rest of the class actully was interested and wanted to talk about it so much, that the discussion took up a class and a half. I love the sermon personally. great stuff. I love, although I'm not sure I agree with, his metaphor of the spider and the web.